Cloud Backup Services

Centralized backup service and anti-ransomware solution

Cloud backup: What is it?

To save up the files and programs on a company’s servers, they can use a service called “cloud backup,” which backs up their information to a remote server. Businesses often choose to back up to the cloud so that they can still get to important files and data in case of a system failure, outage, or natural disaster. The business cloud backs up your server by making an exact copy of it and storing it on another server in a different place. Based on preference, a company can back up only selected server files or all files.

Because so much of a business’s data and apps are stored in the cloud, many companies now back up their cloud servers regularly. The second most common application of cloud computing in large and medium-sized businesses is data backup and disaster recovery.

What Do Businesses Do With Cloud Backup Services?

Protecting Data and Apps:

Their most important files and programs can be kept safely away from any natural disasters or power outages by being stored in a remote data centre.

Data Recovery Quickly:

Since cloud servers can instantly restore backed-up data, a business can quickly regain access to the necessary files or systems.

Backup security and disaster recovery:

The Backup service offers users immediate access to data and applications in the event of a natural or man-made disaster.

Versatile Storage:

Cloud-based backup can be easily expanded or shrunk as needed, unlike on-premises backup methods that often store data on fixed-capacity media like hard drives or tapes.

Our Best Cloud Backup Services Have You Covered.

We provide a wide variety of convenient cloud-based data storage solutions. They are reliable ad cost-effective too.

Switch to the Cloud: 

This service's easy-to-use interface and high-quality data deduplication make it quick and easy to move your data and workloads to the cloud.

Automatic Cloud-Based Backup:

No need to bother with managing local backup software and storage targets. Save local data and programs on the cloud.

Save SaaS and Cloud-Native Programs:

Protect your data in the cloud more reliably and save time when backing up apps like Microsoft 365 by using a centralized management system.

Emergency Disaster Recovery:

Use the cloud as your failover source for disaster recovery. Make better use of your budget by scaling down to the AWS infrastructure on a pay-as-you-go basis.

Data Center Storage Tiering:

Transfer inactive data to the cloud automatically using predefined policies. Consider using cold cloud storage as a secondary layer.

Effective Memory Retention:

Get rid of the tape and set up automatic cloud archiving procedures for older data.

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